Saturday, March 21, 2020

Saturday's Stuff.......

Sunburst on a nice day. It was later in the morning and I was glad to see the sun was squeezing through among all those clouds.

Turning the camera more easterly the view is less dramatic.

I was happy to see these rescued iris are comint up for their second year. As things settle down and they have bloomed for their first time I plan on moving them to something more  organized. They were just thrown in there randomly and temporarily just to keep them alive. These plants survived a few workmen who were installing a sun room.

The crocus hand a lot of natural water from an all night rainfall. They look good in the full sunshine. I have taken too many shots of the crocus so I will probably just put some  up each day anyway.

I have taken a lot of shots of these small daffodils all in a cluster. A stray white crocus is in there and seems to be the only one in the garden area.

I just keep hand sanding this piece. It is blind ambition of an old antique person that would stand down there and work non stop.  If it were warmer I would be outside with a power sander.

Everything is made from walnut on one shelf.  One shelf in the piece is probably pine.  The milk paint or whitewash is a big pain. It was all coating the inside of the  cabinet.  As I sand it off or wash it off I have this powder residue that is hard to keep cleaned. When I wipe every thing down with a damp cloth that paint material seems to not go away.
It does now looks better now after this photo was taken. I have most all of the paint sanded away but there are still sections of it that looks like  residue. That one edge has two screws that shows that the hinge of the door was there. I will remove the screws both top and below.  I am thinking it had a mounted mirror on it and am looking for a style like in on the internet. My wife's grandfather could have made it or one of the many uncles or her dad could have made it. I do also think they could of bought it in a Montgomery Ward catalogue.

We added 23 more people to our sick list today.  The tests were not here to show anything but now they have some. We have been on lock down for a week or more and that will continue. The total is 68 identified cases. The group for Egypt started the beginning of our list.  The University of Iowa area seems to have the highest group of infected.  Des Moines area, our area is picking up with the numbers and hopefully we don't win the race in this case.

Our wish for all is to be safe and not sick.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Wow! You have flowers already. Our daffodils are taking their time. Everything is pretty bla around here. Not even very much green to speak of. And still very chilly today.

  2. Nice to see that spring flowers are blooming in other places as we are still not in spring mode here in NH. Like elsewhere, we are self isolating but still getting outdoors for walks as often as possible.We are not running out of things to do indoors, Larry, and it looks like you are not as well. Stay well and take care.
