Monday, March 30, 2020

Starting a New Week.....

Our oldest grandson, AJ,  turned seven in February. He is growing up so fast. Here he is bowling with his party friends at a  Pac Man party place. He looks like he is really having a good time. Do your remember me posting his photo as a baby? He being the first grand chid we were so excited.

I found the grape hyacinths blooming while I was out this morning.  I had forgotten that there was some out there. I did not plant it but it is spreading in that front garden area.

The third planting of tomato seed has sprouted. It seems fragile but it will do ok. The plants travel inside each night to stay warm and then they get carried out to the sun room each morning. They are getting a lot of mileage on them. My bonsai is a special shrub that too gets to travel in and out daily.

I a jumping around here but this is the front garden area. The former owner built this.  The neighbor to the south made fun of Arlen's work but I think he waIs just jealous. It looks better though now that I removed some of his plants and put in all shorter ones.

The doves are only one now.  I suspect the other is in the nest.  I suppose they might take turns sitting on the nest but I don't know that for sure.

I didn't know how the cards would fare this year with everything in a mess. I got a beautiful one from Minnesota. It is special because of the two loons on the front. I miss seeing and hearing them call.  The grandson wanted to send one all by himself. My sister-in-law sent me one this year to try to get into my good graces again.  I have already forgiven her but haven't said anything. Edward Jones of course sends me one to thank me for giving me all my money. They seem to be gaining some of it  back from the huge loss that happen a week ago. It was the quietest birthday that I have ever had but it still was a good, fun one.

A store bought bunch was added to an older bouquet.  We need things to cheer us up while we are locked in location.  I have done a lot of work on my present project, the cabinet.  I may share photos tomorrow if all the finish is dry.  I did steel wool some of it and I am still in a designin g mode of making a good design with the shelves. T took some more of the old backing of the cupboard and cut it up into strips to make more shelves. You can be sure that there will be more photos.

Thanks for stopping by today.

We just added 88 more people to our numbers of the state's sick. That is the largest number added in one day so far.  We will just stay home and stay away from everyone.


  1. Yes it is hard to believe that AJ is seven and you are 70! Time passes. Glad you got your card! Your flowers inside and outside are very cheerful! Take good care of Della...stay safe!

  2. Belated Happy Birthday wishes, Larry, and I hope things will get better so you can have a proper celebration. Yes, I do remember when you posted photos of grandson, AJ, as a baby. He is growing up fast.
