Sunday, March 29, 2020

Not Edited....Look for Mistakes.

This guy loves to sing.  He sang happy birthday to me again last night.  He is so good natured and always smiling. Teddy has grown up these past months.  Being a middle child is not so much of a problem for him now.

The spring flowers are in their prime.  I should go out twice a day to take shots before they all just fade away. The white ones are unknown for me.  I didn't plant them.

The hyacinths are going to look great for a few more days. I like the colors of these with the purple changing to light blue.

Yesterday's cloud were great for us to see but those who had to watch for tornado warnings were not so happy with them.

It was warm and windy and the clouds were moving quickly to the north. I worked out in the yard for a while without a coat but I could have used a stocking cap.
A contrast to the soft clouds was this sunset that same day.

It is a quiet day today.  The neighbors behind us have their two kids riding bikes and scooters up and down there street. They were out all morning and are out again this afternoon. The girl is probably five and the boy is probably four years old. They are getting rid of a lot o energy. We watched church on tv and ate a late lunch. I put out new seed this afternoon and the birds have just now discovered. I had a cardinal at the window for a short five seconds and then he was gone.

Everyone stay safe out there. The weather is getting to be better to help make the stay a little more tolerable. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I will guess the white flowers are a crocus:) Yes warmer weather here today too and it makes it much better to be safe at home:)
