Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April Fool''s Day.....

One lone daffodil is in bloom this morning.  It was a total surprise. I hope there will be more there.

I took most of these photos this morning so they are hot off of the presses. I had flip flops on and my socks got wet from the morning dew. I am so glad that this fern leafed peony is returning again. It has been there about three years since our move so it is getting well established. It has popped up just the last few days.

I thought the iris was looking sickly and slow but it is coming up with gusto. I like to  clear the dead stuff away from it once it starts to really get some taller leaves. I will be anxious to see if any of my newly moved iris will bloom this year.

This is the strongest looking set of blooms that I have since planting them a couple of years ago. I stood in the evergreens behind them to get this photo.  It is a good way for me to fall down but I did get the shot.

I received from my wife a share of her Ancesry  site a week ago on my birthday.  I had a rusty start using the program but now I am going crazy with all the stuff I am finding.  Yes, I do have a  portion of Irish in me. My great grandfather Brown  had a father that was one hundred percent Irish.  What I like about the web site is that you can find facts to what was family hearsay.  I have a grandfather in the line of my dad's sight who was John Lightfoot Turner. My cousin thought it was Native American Indian, the lLightfoot, but no Lightfoot is a common British name.  One other new thing I found was a photo of my Great grandmother on my mom's side with her twin sister and two other sisters. The photo isn't great as they looked pretty rough and tough. I have a photo of two of the sisters with out the twins and they do look normal.

I have one mystery that I am still pursuing.  I ran into a person on a web site reviewing a book, probably 10 years back with my very exact name. It was spelled exactly as mine. While looking through some draft board forms two days ago, I saw him being used as a contact person for the Burgus that was registering for the draft. This dates the guy with my same name as being about 20 years older than me.  I will be looking for him as I keep researching everything.

We have a great sunny day today but it is still a little cold. I hope everyone is stay safe.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. What a lovely daffodil! Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady

  2. We've got a Fern Leaf Peony just coming up too!

  3. Oh pretty daffodil! You have stuff coming up all over! Yeah for some good research time! Stay safe! We are okay today it is raining but turning to snow soon:)
