Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thursday's Things.....

The pussy willow has almost finished its development. Lots of fuzzy buds that are shedding and falling to the ground.

I haven't begun clearing of the front garden.  I usually wait to see what new growth is doing so I don't disturb that. Actually it has been too cold for me to work out there.

The day lily has sprouted up and the tulip and alimun is joining the group.Dead stuff needs to be removed.

It is a strange shot but you can see the red bud tree is going to bloom. That is my neighbor's house.

I can now see that it is a crocus.  It first bloomed way opened. The colder weather made it stay more compact.

I went shopping for groceries this morning.  It is like a Thanksgiving holiday as there are not  cars at any of the malls near there.  The apartments parking lots are filled with cars. It just is very strange.  I took my time buying groceries and still did not fine paper products.  I did go the the adjoining grocery a block away and they too had no paper products. I bought a few more things at the second store to add to my original batch.  They had more soups,, low salt potato chips, and popcorn flavored puffs. I did get most every thing with the two tries but I forgot to get dryer sheets.  It always happens.  I am loosing count of how many days we have been inside.  We added another 66 virus numbers to Iowa today.  I do see that the vacation people are now showing signs of the virus.  We are predicted to have rain soon and tomorrow. Thanks for checking in today.

I have found some more interesting things about my family tree.  I came from many rural Iowa families that had an average of 12 or more children per family They are all scattered in an area that I was do recognize but didn't know they were there.   It is strange to find more relatives than my parents or grandparents were really not known to them.  I did find that I had one of my great greats grandfathers was the head of a mine in a now  destroy country and resettled country. He was from Prussia on the far west side of the county.  His future wife left seven years before him and they met in America. She was from the far east of the country. I guess they could easily get to know each other as they spoke the same language in Iowa.


  1. Paper products are in short supply here too. Good thing I had some TP in reserve:) Hope you and Della stay healthy, this virus has me scared:(

  2. Nice to see that spring is coming in with buds and blooms, Larry. We too have lost count of the days, but then there’s no need to remember them. Shopping is definitely a scavenger hunt these days.
