Friday, April 10, 2020

Friday's Final Report....

It is getting closer in being done, but I need wood for shelves of two drawers. The board that is temporarily in there is warped and I can't use it for a shelf.  I guess when I can again go to the wood store then I can buy wood for shelves.  I do believe that it was a doll dresser.  The thing was put together with nails. The wood is thinner than normal furniture. I looks like it was made on an assembly line and yet I can't see them making too many of them. I am still thinking it came from a Montgomery catalog or a Sears.

The evidence of nails is shown here and the two wholes that I drill out yesterday shows that large dowel rods were used to make a towel rack or rod to hang dresses on hangers.  I put the stain sealer this morning but decided to wait or another day to share that.

I was stalling to decide and then I opened up the walnut stain and sealer can and painted one drawer front. It was perfect for this piece.  I found the only brush that I had which was like a cheap stain brush that could be thrown away when finished with the job. The brush barely worked but I did sweep the stain onto the piece. I may put a second coat on it to make sure it shines.

This is a yesterday's photo showing that I was thinking there was not much left for me to do with it.

I went to get groceries this morning.  It is an unreal experience.  I didn't wear a cowboy hankechief this morning even though the government suggested it.  Half of the people in the store had some masks on and some old guys had the nose covered with the farmers hanker chief. To my surprise I found toilet paper on the shelf.  It was not going to be around long.  I just bought one as it was the double or triple sized roll. We were not out but it was great that after waiting three weeks I did put some into my cart. I didn't walk close to anyone.  I needed glue for my projects, wood glue would be best, but plain school glue would work, and all they had was gallon containers of it and squeeze bottle of many colors of glitter glue. I am still using my wife's tacky craft glue which I don't think is perfect for wood.

While working in the basement I was going through boxes of photos. It proved to be successful as I found photos of a great grandfather's tombstone.  Among my mom's old photos were letters sent to her of family history.  I found written evidence again of my great grandmother's twin sister named Jane Henderson. That was not what I was looking for but was so glad to find it.

What I did find was three more items that were in my toy farm that I had when I was a kid. The set was large but a lot of these things went away through the grandchildren playing with that at my mom's house.  Finding these jogged my memory of the hens and tiny little chickens.  I am sure those have all be sucked up in a vacuum or swept up with a broom. I don't expect to ever find them or even the hens.

I looked out the downstairs window to see this view of the table and chairs under the deck. It is pretty inviting for us to sit out there but it really is too cold.

I wish everyone to stay safe out there.

We have two areas of concentration in our state. There were three nursing homes that were hit bad with the virus. The majority of deaths are coming from the nursing homes.  It is within counties around the Iowa City, U of I area. that had a group return from a tour of Egypt that caused the outbreak. Fourteen people immediately were diagnosed from that tour. Our two counties where we live are in second place for the large numbers of infection. As the testing catches up, the numbers grow by a hundred a day of those who are diagnose positive.  As of right now specific towns or cities have not been identified as areas of sickness so we just don't know. We don't know where they live.  We did have about 450 or more who have been discharged from the hospital.  We will be shut down for a long time as we watch the numbers. Everyone needs to be careful.

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