Saturday, April 11, 2020


Even though we are retired the sun gets us up earlier and earlier. You would think we would sleep in but the sun glows through the shade and curtains making a warm glow in the room. All of these clouds did form into rain clouds.  We are suppose to have rain for most of the day.

The squirrels have a lot of acorns to eat but sunflower seeds are the best. We still have the two squirrels and now a chipmunk keeps hanging around.  I saw a chipmunk chase off the mourning doves yesterday.
This guy has filled his pouches and keeps taking off to dump his load. I had never seen a chipmunk be aggressive towards birds. More for him if he can keep them chased away from his source.

I am getting very impatient with my projects as I can't  or won't go any where for parts and things. I put on a walnut stain with varnish to make this look a lot better. The wood is not normal size furniture thickness but is more like a half inch wood. It sort of looks oak but I am thinking that it isn't.

Again you can see here the heads of the nails used to hold this piece together. They didn't have nail guns back then so they were manually placed with a hammer. The whole piece was covered with a dark vanish so splice wood together was no big thing for this production.  The camera picks up a darker color than what it really is.

The back view shows the typical size of wood used on the backs of normal sized furniture. I am still trying to find one of these on the internet to give me clues as to what it originally looked like.  All the aunts and uncles are gone now so there is not one to ask about it. I actually thought it was a storage piece, normal wood, and didn't have a clue that it was more like doll furniture.

I am getting more feeling of closed in than every more. I went for the groceries yesterday and it makes it feel worse as I can't just dart around to go to other places. The way things are working for us is that I won't go back again until the gallon of milk is gone.  I am still in amazement that there were some packages of toilet paper.  The one package will be welcomed when we use up the last four rolls. .

It is raining today and will be all day. It is a gray day even though we started in great sunshine.  I should back the truck out of the garage and let the free water soak it up some. Well, I will close this off for now.  I wish everyone to stay well and be well.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen those small drawers used for ladies hankies and gloves....I suspect it was a custom made piece for someone special. It is a lovely piece and your stain looks perfect! Happy Easter to you and Della tomorrow:)
