Monday, April 27, 2020

Green Grass.......

There seems to be plenty of grass to mow. This is an earlier photo when there was a skiff of snow. I have done the second mowing now for the spring.

The raised bed is a pain to mow around but its good to keep the grass from growing into the garden bed.  It slows things down to mow around things but I like having all the different beds that are in the back yard.

Thanks for stopping by today.  We had a warm day and it helped me get everything mowed. I will get out the weed eater on another day.


  1. You musta put too much fertilizer on!

  2. Your grass is really green! You will be mowing three times a week!

  3. Before Roger had his stroke, I was wanting a raised bed for some strawberries...that way I could sit on the edge of the to pick. And like you say, would keep the grass from blowing into them, plus not have to bend over as far to weed. LOL
