Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tuesday, yep it is.

A rare sunset photo from out house.  It is up the street, looking up our northwestern street. I think that I have taken this a year ago but in most cases we never see the sun set.  The houses on the hill could be thought of as mountains.

I finally broke off the stems of the dead sedum in the front flower garden.  I was trying to take a photo of the blue bells and they didn't need these dead seed heads in the photo.

The  New England bluebells are looking filled up with fuller blooms. I had a woman wanting a start of them.  They aren't easy to share as they are a root or tuber and not a normal kind of flower.  They do grow wild in the timbers in our state.

He is just sitting there.  I like how they just sit and stare.  I am wondering if there is a mate and he is just waiting for baby birds to feed.  It seems early as the like worms and bugs for feeding.

I keep taking as many photos as I can because they flowers just start dropping and they are gone. I saw yesterday that the strong winds was pushing them along the side of the driveway.

We took our friend to the hospital for here second chemo treatment.  All went well and I was able to go buy her groceries during her treatment time. It is stressful as we don't know how well the treatments will work.  Having the covid 19 around and her living in a retirement apartments adds to the concern.

We are having a rain day today along with the threat  of tornadoes.  It is spring so none of this is a surprise. Our state is partially lifting the lock down in 77 of 99 counties. It is minimal but maybe things will work well enough that by Friday more will be open. We are still in a lock down state along with our neighboring east and west counties but all the ones north and south are being lightened. We keep having larger numbers each day as the finally test packing places and nursing homes to see how bad things are.  The messages about the lock down are so diverse now so it will be interesting to see this all evolves. I have a lot of things on my list that I do want to buy so I will help out the economy if they just will let me buy stuff.

We are safe and well.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I think your rain is headed our direction.

  2. That is a beautiful sunset! Loving all the flowers...my bluebell came from a farmer friend's woods...our girls got transplanted them. I also have the trillium (the red) and jack-in-the pulpit...and maybe mayapples. I did have a lot of mayapples but when we redid the porch, we covered most of them when we made it bigger.
