Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Middle of the Week......

Fall or spring?????

One of my favorite hosts that is coming up next to the patio.  It is fun to have the things you plant the keep coming back and have grown larger.  The wind is blowing hard and I guess I was in a hurry to get the shot. I could have removed the stick that got blown into the picture. 

The lily of the valley did survive last spring's construction worker. Holes had to be dug and a sun room had to be assembled. It looks like it didn't bother them a bit. 

The have spread among the bricks from years back I guess. I am on a lookout for the Jack in the Pulpit. I hope that it did survive and not get destroyed. This whole area was under a stairs and now ti is out in the open  a little bit more with those stairs being moved to the opposite end of the patio.  I have a couple of hosta coming up that were planted  by previous owners.  They aren't so exciting but they have green leaves and that is good. 

I have started a project that is new. I wanted to make a potting bench and shelves at one end of the patio. I have recycle wood from the old place that would work well but the  post that I want to  place it on are screwed  a bit to the world.  I have to invent a system to make something to hold the big shelf on and some other little shelves.  Of all the posts under the deck and sun room, those two are the only two that were not square with the world. I may have to add my own new posts that are straight and just build my shelves around the crooked ones. 

It is very windy today so that the windchill is cold. I had to wear a coat and stocking cap to go out to visit the gardens today. We are safe. We are not out of the woods yet for our state.  We must keep our meat packing plants open to keep the grocery stores stocked with meat.  It will be interesting to see how that will work out.  Every one just be careful.  


  1. Lily of the Valley is a great ground cover, fun to see it coming up in the cracks! Yes it will be interesting to see how this all ends up. Our local butcher shop buys meat locally but I suppose the grocery stores will have a problem getting meat. Stay safe!:)

  2. A very pretty tulip. In Pella, there were Tulips I had never seen before. Cheryl wonders if they open up that county, if we will be able to drive through the town and see the flowers.
