Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sunday Morning.....

With the male cow bird, I did always know its identity for quite a few years. It was just this spring that I learned about the looks of the female. The two showed up for a morning to feed to let me see the major differences and the similarities. and to get a photo shot.

I am hoping that this will be the last snow that we will have.  It was a couple of days ago and now it is all gone. My neighbor had built a couple of snowmen while out with his dog and they did hang around a little longer. The tomato garden needs to be spaded up a little now.

I have the starters growing in the sun room.  I need to go get a size larger pot for these to be transplanted. I maybe could sneak into some store that is open and get some pots.  I have a dust mask I guess I could wear.  They are so hard to breathe in so I would think they would help. I do have a couple of people in mind to share these plants.

As we live down the hill we get a wind that pushes the loose sales papers and I see a stray plastic bag. When garbage is done the dumpsters ares sloppy, especially on windy days. I will have to get a rake to get this down as it is too high for me to reach otherwise.

I mowed the front yard yesterday. It really should have been done the week before but snow was sitting on it.  Anyway, I had to relearn the new mower and how to start it.  I didn't have the side grass vent on so I was mulching thick green grass.  It didn't work well and then I remembered to go find the shoot to blow it to the side. I have people come and treat the yard and it really has paid off.  The previous owner self applied too little so I had a lot of bad looking grass.

While I was out taking photos of the flowering trees in front I turned as saw the vapor stream of the jet, plane, airforce craft. I hand not seen them for a while.

The blurry photo of the flowering tree show that the blooms are just not quite open. This is like a flowering pear but it has a different name.  The city required them to plant them but didn't tell them they could cut them down fifteen years later. Some on our block have removed them. Next door neighbor said they had a bad smell.  I have yet to experience that.

Watched church on television this morning and watched two doves sitting out on the side fence. The stayed most of the service bu then left close to the end.  I didn't get the photo.  We are wearing out with the lock down and yet the alternative is so much worse. The town near our old place is being told to shut down their Tyson plant as multiples have the  virus.  Because it is loaded with a lot of illegals working there, the company doesn't want to reveal the numbers of people who have it. It seems strange that the board of health hasn't come after them.  We now have a nursing home in a neighboring town that has reported plenty of cases.  The reports keep us from going out anywhere.  I hope everyone is staying safe for now.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Nice photo of the Cowbirds :) We watched church on Facebook they have a live stream of the service. You mowed yard looks great! Stay safe!

  2. Cheryl Noted that the Tyson plant is going to keep us in the "orange zone" if they don't clean things up... Then again, they are Always in some sort of hot water... with Salmonella outbreaks and illegals. The Virus is just another "Big Business Blunder". I wonder how things will be handled this time.

  3. We are keeping safe and indoors most of the time, except for our 2-week grocery store outings. We do go out after dinner for a short evening walk as the weather has been very windy and not conducive to staying out longer. We also had a bit of snow on 2 days last week, but it came and left quickly, thankfully.

  4. We're supposed to get snow tonight. I hope it's the last!
