Saturday, April 18, 2020

Sat Stuff.....

Safe after all of that weather.  I had a real droopy look on them after the ice storm but the warming helped bring them back,  I did lose one of the buds but there are still nine ready for blooming.

My row of peony bushes are coming up strong.  The voles did not get to their roots. I am going to need some clearing of grass from them. Lots of times when they get big they keep their own grass down. I have five of them in a row and I really don't know what colors that they are.  I am thinking that I hud dug old fashion peonies from the old place.  I wanted the historic ones from the property.
My photo archive on google is messing up right now. I will just share what I still have taking up space on my desktop.  This was a shot that was a littl low in the lens but it showed how droopy they all were after our first sleet storm, the one before our snow storm. The weather has been hard on the daffodils but they are still out there after the snow melted.
Yes, the two squirrels are still out there.  They don't come as often but they do like free food. I think there are other feeders out there that they visit and also the one neighbor has a large supply of cones on his one tree.  We still have our chipmunk out there.  I can only know if there are two if they both shoe up at the feeding dish Right now I think there is two as the one is busy filling up he jowls and take seed away to some nest.

The two flowering trees in front are almost ready to be in bloom. It was so cold when I took this shot and then we got the snow storm afterwards. I think we must have some heat to get them to open up and bloom.

My New Enland bluebells are showing their buds. They too need a couple of warm days to get them to bloom.

I walked the yard this morning and things are changing.  It seems to be slowed down but I am sure we will take off again.  I have a redbud tree that just won't open yet.  I have a lot of blooms on that tiny tree.

The town near our home in Woodward now is reporting that the Tyson plant has the virus. They claim it is a secret has to how many are infected.  That town is a sanctuary city and I guess they think they can protect their identity.  I worry about going to the house to work on it. I am being so good at staying safe and I guess going to work on the house is not a wise thing.  Our town has the historic hospital too that houses many residence with disabilities.  They will probably keep the conditions there secret also. I will have to decide as it gets warmer as I will have to mow the yard.  Our state numbers keep getting worse.  I am hoping a slow down will happen soon.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Take care everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Wow your Fern leafed Peony will be beautiful! You have spring popping up all over! Where ever you go stay safe! I am hopeful that we will reach peak up here in another month maybe will be a different summer. :(
