Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thursday's Things....

The clouds are churning as we are going to receive snow this evening again. Further south they are going to get hit hard with a lot of measurable snow. It has been a wild month in too many ways.

The neighbors tulips took a hit a couple of days ago.  I was surprised to see them all back up standing tall again.

The snow really wasn't the problem but the severe cold was hard on things. I haven't mowed yet so the grape hyacinths in the grass are still there.

The snow mingled in with the tulips a couple of days ago making it still a great photo. I didn't have to shovel so that was good.

The burning bush of a  few days ago collected snow on its leaves making it look like a spring white flower. I seem to have lost so me of my photos and also got distracted because of things going on in our lives.  I have a whole batch of really sad daffodils but they are not downloaded I guess.

My grass does really need to be mowed but I don't mow will wearing a winter coat.  Maybe Saturday it will have warmed up enough to do the job.
I ventured out to buy groceries this morning.  It is a strange experience any more with people staying distances and arrows to follow to go down the rows. I get a lot more exercise if I obey the arrows as I have to go over a couple rows over to come back to hit the item that I want. At the bakery area they have made an error with their arrows.  If I end up on the west end to the area, all arrows go in the opposite direction. If I obey the arrows I would have to all the way around a major cheese and slice meat area to get myself to go in the correct flow. Some shoppers are just ignoring them.

I can't seem to identify this bird. If it were a female goldfinch it would still have a pattern on its chess. I will look it up for tomorrows blog but if anyone can help an old man out today that would be appreciated.

We were with our friend yesterday outside the hospitals doors.  We weren't allowed inside. She will be returning weekly now for chemo treatments to try to halt things.  She has survived breast cancer but this one didn't get identified very quickly. The friend herself as we too thought that this was a diagnose that was put off way too long.  Malpractice because of her age was a definite thing.  We are hoping that there will be some rescue to her lifespan and things can be straightened out.

Our region of our state has been improving for the virus but one part of our state is on strict shutdown.  Meat packing plants and nursing homes are hit hard and they were slow to identify the situations. We will just trudge on.  We will be out once a week for our friend as that is a given.  We don't make plans for anything else though.    Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Can't believe your grass is that green!

  2. Isn't it strange to dread going to the store, while at the same time wanting to go and be normal? We live in a very small town, and so far I always go kind of early...7-8:00 for grocery, but have had to go to Walmart twice about 8:30-9:00...any time I have went, has been lucky to see a dozen customers.

  3. I will guess that your mystery bird is a Female Cow Bird. She is very pretty! :) Sorry about your friend but it is good that she will get chemo and have a chance for recovery. Cancer sucks. :(
