Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday with Snow.....

After the snow we now have sunshine. It is melting away in good time. We were predicted to have it but it really is still a shock as to how much it was.

I don't know the measurement but it was a fluffy snow.
The birds come out of the blue spruce and large globs of snow keeps falling off the tree. This kind of snow actually looks better on the blue spruce than the finer grained snow.

Looking out front and everthing is coated.  I was going to share the blossoms on the  pear trees in front but they are all coated with snow.  Those photos can wait until tomorrow. The small burning bush is really coated this morning down there on the corner next to the sidewalk and driveway.

I found this bird on the internet and Far Side also knew that it was a female cow bird.  The cow bird is the species that lays its eggs into other birds nest that are open while the owner of the bird is away.  The owner of the nest usually sits on the egg for them and the larger baby bird shoves out the other specie's baby birds. The one new baby cowbird gets a lot of attention until it is ready to leave the nest.

It is a new trampoline in one of our neighbor's back yards.  These two are the new owners and we have fun watching them bounce. The one isn't 3 or more years and the other is probably almost 5 years old.  I have better photos but I didn't intend to get pictures of their faces.  To the opposite direction of them is another tram. that has maybe five kids who all want to get on at the same time.  A set of twins is in that group. t. It is fun to watch the  little ones pull themselves up to get on to the thing.  Sometimes an older sister will help boost their little brother or sister.

The photo here is the one from our old place.  The neighbor lady is always taking photos of all our trees.  She also feeds a couple of stray cats on our porch steps.

It is another day,  another weather report.  We start to take our friend to the hospital for treatments starting on Monday.  We won't be getting out until then. I hope all are staying safe. Thanks for stopping in......


  1. Such pretty snow you have! We had a very cold wind today...but no snow today. Stay safe:)
