Wednesday, April 8, 2020


I finally took some shots last eventng.

The new oxalis is doing well in the living room window. The green one is petite compared to this one.

I separated the one violet into this many plants. It has been a month or longer and I was glad that I did not loose one of them.

 I had the parts from two drawers and I glued this all together as one with authentic parts. The second one I built was made with the original face of the drawer and the rest of it made from wood of an old fruit crate.  The wooden sides and bottom on the crater were just the right kind of wood and the right thickness of wood.

All are glued and I now will takes some thin brads and nail parts of it together.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Good repair on the drawer! Your moon shots are great! I missed it so I was glad to see your photos:)

  2. You did well on these moon shots, larry. We missed out due to cloud cover, drat!
