Tuesday, April 7, 2020

A New Project.......

The attic in which it was found was my wife's grandparents original four square house.  It had a huge attic and lots of water leaks causing damage to many items.  My wife had three or four aunts on that side of the family and it is believed that the doll furniture belonged to one or all of them.All of them were gone by the time we were emptying the house.  Rain or snow has collected in the shelves throughout so many years. The house was about to be demolished and we were grabbing some things to save. 

Back view as it is being sanded.

The item must have been coated with that dark brownish varnish.  The nails sort of stained the wood as they rusted.

There is a spot on the top where a mirror must have been mounted. The drawers are really bad shape. 

On the left are two holes that have dowel like wood that has been broken off.  I bet that it was a towel wrack.  I have yet to find this item on the internet.

I was not inspired to work on this but I did save it and moved it down to the new place.  Once I started sanding I did get hooked.

On the bottom is the evidence of two drawers. I am not decided on what to do with that.  Maybe shelves and no drawers.

We had a high in the 80 degrees F. today. I had to turn on the air conditioner as it was 75 degrees inside. It was unusual for it to get so hot.

I didn't have time to be on the net to do ancestry today but I am looking through all the paper family trees that my parents were given.  It amazes me as they did there research thirty years ago. On of the people on my branch went to DC to see the records as they weren't on a computer base at that time.  I did find a couple of pages written by some relative about all the relatives that I have in Cuba, Illinois.  It is in Fulton County and a lot of people in my tree came from there.  I don't understand why.  I think my grandfather Charley Brown is buried there.

Well we are out of potatoes now and we have some sweet potatoes we can eat. I won't go out into the infected world until the last of the week.  We will eat until the cupboard is bare. We are still safe and fine. Thanks for stopping by today.

One old one glued together with spare parts from the other.  The second one is all new parts but the front face.


  1. You have another fun project! We are fine hope you are too! Wow that is warm for April:)

  2. Thanks for sharing another of your projects, Larry, and will b looking forward to its completion as you will for sure. yes, it is best now to only go out when items are in need to keep ourselves (and others) safe.
