Friday, May 29, 2020

Iowa Wild Rose.....

I mowed at our old place today cleaning up the orchard area and the back yard.  I had been rained out so I couldn't finish it. This rose grows freely in our back yard.  It is a wild rose and grows in the wild in timbers and ditches of our rural roads. It is a delicate flower.  I saw alot of it growing in Minnesota and also saw it growing next to a light house in Maine along the Atlantic Ocean. I keep eing tempted to bring some to the new place but it is just too invasive. I could see it coming up in my neighbors yard having spread under a fence.

Leaning next to a river birch at the old place is this old wheel. You can see that I don't have time to clear all wild things around and away from the base of the tree.

The peony is almost opened in this photo.  I need to go take new phots as it looks like three of these are now in bloom.
The white iris here is doing the spread while the wind is blowing.

I stole a shot through the fence of one of my neighbors pale blue iris.  It is a stunning flower. He has his iris well tended with rock and liner around them to keep them easy to maintain.

We just returned from a trip to the hospital again to day for our friend's treatment.  As she says we all have the weekend off and then it starts again on Monday.

My mowing this morning was very difficult as it was tall and thick.  I had to go slow as it was just to thick.

Thanks for stopping by today. Stay safe.......and strong.


  1. Such difficult days for your friend. God bless you both for helping her thru these days. That pale blue iris is stunning. I love seeing your peony. We just cannot get a break from the rain. It's pouring again today. Hope you both will have a restful and nice weekend.
    I enjoyed the wild rose photos.

  2. I would love to have some of that color peony...I only have one and it is the the dark one...not that I don't like it.

  3. Love the Wild Roses! They are so delicate and pretty! All your Iris are so beautiful! :)

  4. I love the wild rose also. Couldn't you grow it in a large container on your deck or somewhere that the roots won't grow into the ground and spread everywhere?

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady
