Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thursday's Things.....

It is an old fashion variety.  I think this is the one I think of when I think of traditional iris.  The origin is unknown ffor me but I bet I got it from my parents place in southern Iowa.

The vine is called honeysuckle. It looks totally different than the variety i have at the old place.  It has the pink to red flowers.  It has really liked getting all of the rain and shows it with all of the blooms. The flowers remind me of the old fashion trumpet vine I would see growing along old farm houses in southern Iowa.

This tomato plant is on its own now.  It isn't very big but the sun will warm the soil and it will just take off. I count 14 of them that I planted. I could have bought commercial green house plants but these will catch up.  I have the problem of having a large amount of plants still in the starter pots that I will probably have to toss.  I don't know who I can give them away at this time.

I need to insert that we have moved into hot weather.  I mowed yesterday afternoon and was huffing and puffing. I didn't realize that it had warmed up to 81 degrees, F.  I am so use to wearing a coat while mowing so I didn't realize I wasn't over tired but over heated. 

I collected grass yesterday and spread it around all the plants.  It works really well for mulch and it made the bed look like a disaster.  We got a rain in the night again and the tomatoes will really grow big now. I saw the neighbor lady on her balcony  and told her I got our tomatoes planted. She knows that I will be sharing a lot of them to her on the fence top railing.


My wife had a conference call with her doctor yesterday so I went into the back yard for a while.  I discovered that I usually pull water grass out of the iris and it was time to do so.I really didn't get all of the grass pulled but you can see the trail I left behind.

The mower with the grass collector helped me clean up the scraps. It was nice to get that done.  I need to return but we have rain this morning.  I don't like working in wet grass. My neighbor saw that I was rained out at the old place on Wednesday so he finished up my mowing in the street's ditch. I am sure he watched me load my mower up in a down pour leaving in defeat.  I really had mowed most everything that made it look good just not all of it. 
We have a new house in our backyard view.  It was fun to see the father and grandfather assemble this play set.  The boy is about three years plus and he was having to stand inside of their sliding glass door to watch it being built. I am sure dad or granddad decided that it would be best for him not to get hurt while they worked.

Later the little boy was up on the floor and really exploring the area.  Later then the dad was sitting up in the tower with his son.  It would have made a great photo but I I know that I couldn't do that. This house actually balances out the view of the playhouse on the other side of the fence.

Our friend needs us to take her to treatment sessions the next two days.  I want to work outside this morning but it has to dry out first. More lifting of bricks and straightening of edges of the patio.  I will be glad to get it done. Thanks for stopping by this Thursday.


  1. We have the old fashioned trumpet vine growing in the woods, the birds and bees are drawn to it.
    Homegrown tomatoes...what could be more delicious !
    That playhouse is perfect, and should last for years. What a lucky little boy.

  2. God bless your friend as she continues treatment. We are having lots of rain and hot temps too. That little playhouse is cute. My brother bought something similar for his grandchildren and it was a puzzle to put it together! lol I love the iris. I hope your tomato plants do great and I know the neighbor appreciates that you share. Be careful working in the heat.

  3. I love that Iris with the raindrops! We finally got a good rain today.

  4. I used to have that Honeysuckle Vine and then one winter it died...I also had a Yellow one and it died too:(
