Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Stay Safe Some More.....

This came from a grab scrap box that Sally brought to school. She lives in the Homestead area near Granger, Iowa.  It was the first  in history of government building project in the United States, built for the Italian coal miners. They built them a house, barn and gave them land for a cow, horse and chickens.  Also encouraged to grow their own food.

We have been getting plent of rain. I don't have a gauge right now but this wheel barrow is not an accurate measure. I washed my hands in the water as I was working on the pavers. The limestone material didn't feel good on my hands. The mud at the bottom was distributed by me.

We had four different tornadoes develop again yesterday in an area near our old house.  They stayed west of our area by about ten m
I saw these blooming in cemeteries where ever I would go.  I have a book on iris and it is older than what I thought it was.  I called it an old cemetery iris but it really was created in Switzerland many years ago.  I guess it was brought over as people would move into this country. The book describe the variety to a tea as it does grow very dense and has multiple buds on single stems. The lemon standars with a white almost transparent falls with that unique pattern.
It is a small bloom compared to the medium iris and hybrid iris.  Behind is another one of my cemetery iris of which I can't get a focesed picture.
It is interesting how the lines on the falls are similar or maybe the same on these two kinds.I can tell you the exact spot in the cemetery where I rescued one small rhizome from a very large growth area of these iris. When they get too large by their spreading the mower people mow into them to keep them from spread too far.  The white one from above was growing further don the lill and it had spread the length of two or three graves.
. This cemetery iris is pale in color but has all the history of being at a cemetery for many years I don't know whee I collected this one.  I do know that it grew next to my basement stairway.

I don't have two others that are light white standards and darker blue falls and the other is yellow standards with brownish red falls.

I pulled water grass out from around the iris this morning.  I didn't get done but I did get a lot of it pulled. I will share a photo of what it looked like with all the water grass laying all around the area.

I have some iris that were planted next to dogwoods and the shrubs now are shading them too much.  I will move them later on as I have seen those two bloom last year

Thank you for stopping by today. I will be mowing here at the new place as the grass has grown tall. It is getting hot out there but I can get maybe half of it done today.   Until tomorrow, stay safe.


  1. I love seeing your Iris, so many beautiful colors and varieties.

  2. I love seeing all of your irises. That is scary about all the tornadoes near your old home. We are having all week rain here.

  3. You live in tornado alley this year! Scary! I love all your Iris:)
