Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Hump Day Mikey.....

The moon light was bright last night so I had to get a photo.  We had a lot of humidity so it was surrounded with a halo of moisture.

All these blooms are now speent but this morning I notice that I have three more buds ready to bloom. I planted some more cemetery iris this morning brought down from the old place. I don't know what color they will be but I can know next spring.

A garden that isn't maintained has flowers being crowed out by water grass. It is sad but that garden is on its tthird summer of neglect.  The iris is the cemetery iris  and the flag iris is a light blue one.  I only took a third of it to transplant leaving the bulk of it there. I planted both of t hem this morning.  We had heavy rain last night so the soil was easy to open up for planting. I got done about the time that the heat was getting high.

I brought back some of the flower shrub branches yesterday also.  I really like having this kind of shrub but I really don't have a big enough property for them all.

Weigela is ihe dame of the shrub.  I always have to look up its spelling and blogspot says it is misspelled.  I always remember the older neighbor to my north, who is gone now, who made fun of me on how I pronounced it. I have a red one in the vase but it doesn't show up very well.

The wind is making the standard collapse making it look deformed.  I  should have posted it with my Photo a Day blog today to go with the white peony on that blog.

The former owner had these buttercups in the front yard next to the peonies. Thye seemed to be a short plant. I moved some to the back yard and ti is very tall.  It also now has dozens of blooms which I will share later on another posting.

Iris do not last very long.  This is the last bloom on this iris for the season. I call it Sally's iris as she brought a box full of rhizomes  to school and this is from that box.  It will be warm today in the hospital parking ramp but it was extremely warm yesterday with 90s temps. Today it is only 80s. It is the middle of the week  I hope everyone is still safe.  The virus is still out there. Out death numbers went up yesterday. I thought we were taking the down turn. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We are still being cautious and limiting our outings, mostly to dr and grocery store. Today seems to be one of our hottest days. I'm glad you had rain to make your planting easier. I like the color of your weigela. I had a wine and roses variety that is maroon.

  2. So many different varieties and colors, I enjoy seeing all you have saved from different places.
