Thursday, June 4, 2020

Thursday, recycle day.....

The angel needs to be moved back out on his bench. He has a serious crack in him but he he is still holding up to be displayed.  The water that ran through the deck floor above collected in the flower pot tray. We did get a lot of rain on early Wednesday morning.

I mentioned earlier last week  that the hot sun and warm soil would grow my small tomato plants into a better size.  My neighbors plants were bought from a greenhouse and they are over a foot tall now.

It was almost like an over night change in their size as their roots got settled in to that warm soil. I did plant them late but I like playing catch up. My wife said to plant some more if I had left over starters so I added four more.  I think 18 plants should be plenty for this year. I am being sarcastic you know.  I have some leftover radish seed that is going into the ground today.

The rain did mess this flower up a bit.  I think it is the last bloom of the black iris.  It really isn't black but it cast a dark color when it is in bud form.

I moved the buttercup plant from the front to the back yard. garden.  It grew large back there compared to the short plant it was in the front garden. I pulled grasses from the front yard peony garden in the morning yesterday. It was a lot of work and I can feel those muscles this morning.

I am planning to replant the area of the garden where the voles killed every plant.  I decided that I need to put hosta in there as I don't need to add more plants that need a lot of upkeep. I can borrow from other plants in the garden and get it planted in soon.

Our trip to the hospital will be for the rest of the week. We will be hot again today and storms may hit in the evening.  Thanks for checking in today.

When you think things are getting safer, students and staff at ISU sports building have been diagnosed with the virus. It isn't a large number and yet six or seven is a good starting point for spreading it.


  1. I really like your potting bench. Best wishes with your tomatoes and radishes. We have been dry for several days after having a lot of rain last week. It is very hot here. God bless you three as you travel to the hospital. Don't work too hard in the heat.

  2. Hot weather is finally catching up to us here in Nashua, NH, too so hope you and Delia keep cool indoors, Larry. Your tomatoes and flowers will most likely need some extra watering and looking forward to seeing the first 'maters later this year. We also have a couple of virus cases announced here in the mill apts. That comes as a no surprise to us because there are over 900 residents here. We are keeping as safe as possible under the circunstances. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. You could sell tomatoes if all 18 are good producers!! We have two and they are slowly growing. May people up here lost their plants to frost last weekend. :(
