Friday, June 19, 2020

Friday for Sure.....

It seems to be a little bit damaged but the weather really can't be blamed for that.  I think it is a regal  lily that I mode from the old place. It has connections to my Grandmother's garden.  She has been gone since 1973.

Nest to the lily is the trusty old hydrangea. It is not so large as a plant but I know it will just keep growing larger  year after year.
I bought a wave petunia a couple of days ago when I made my mad dash into Menards.  It was cheap and plainting it in the hanger probably will work but it looks pretty scant right now. I guess it is blind hope that it will be silled out in the future.

I did just a little work outside today. I have been under the weather for 13 days. I over worked my back and I am coming back very slowly from that. It affected my typing skills but they are coming back a little too.  I see being back to normal eventually but I have really had to slow down.

We didn't get the rain last night and we are not getting the next one either.  It is suppose to storm off and on throughout the weekend. May be we will have rain.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. How nice to have the regal lilies! The hydrangea is so pretty too. It won't be long until your petunia hanging pot is full. I also love the moss rose and your nice potting bench.

  2. p.s. I am sorry your back has been hurting for 13 days. I hope by taking it easy you will begin to feel better soon. God bless.

  3. That Petunia needs some TLC...I would pinch it back and give it some Miracle Gro:)

  4. I LOVE that first shot...great way to photograph those lilies. I hope your back gets back to normal quicker than you think it will. I had a taste of real back trouble several months ago and I don't want any more. I cannot imagine living with it right on and on.
