Saturday, June 20, 2020

A Slow but Sure Saturday....

Another blurry shot of the hydrangea. The camera just doesn't like to   photograph all that white. I probably was a little wobbly too.

Yesterday I planted some marigolds around the tomato patch. I also got my zinnia garden planted.  It was nice to get that done and my energy level was exhausted from that.

Today, I mowed the front yard. I had not wowed it for a couple of weeks and it really looks good. I will mow the other larger half on another day. I made a trip to the grocery store as we were just out of too many things.  It was busy for a Saturday. I am still surprised of the things that they are out of or have very low supplies.

This is one of the many shots that I have of the yellow roses. I don't remember which ones that I have posted but I hope this is a different.  We have been sitting at the edger of many rains.  We get light sprinkles but not the rain. I am not sure why it is raining around us but we could use some moisture.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Very pretty roses and hydrangea. I hope you did not over-do today. Our stores are very low on inventory too.

  2. Hope you are feeling better everyday...summer work is hard on old bodies:)

  3. Love your flowers, some are harder than others to photograph. I can only work outside a couple of hours at a time, and during the summer I must get out early or it will be too miserable with the heat and humidity. Sometimes it's all I can do to mow, which takes about an hour, and then I come in and hibernate for the rest of the day.

    Happy Father's Day to you ~ FlowerLady
