Friday, June 26, 2020

Friday's a Stuggle.....

I finally placed the fabric and mulch down on top of the soil that was wrecked by the voles. It was not easy as the grounds tends to slant here and I have troubles with that.

After a good rest I went back and installed a day lily out in a new area. The stuff on the left is the neighbors things. I already added a knock out rose in this area and now also a sedum. The mulch really cleaned things up.  It will make it easier to put more down next spring. The utility boxes are our electric and phone boxes. We got the two larger ones and the next door peopel have a smaller one.

I am so excited to see the  zinnia plants up in their rows. I didn't think I was going to have them this year. I also planted some lettuce and spinach today along the edges.

Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. This looks great. We saw some colorful zinnias at the garden center earlier this week.
