Saturday, June 27, 2020

Saturday's Stuff.......

I had not seen this hardy geranium for a week so I was surprised to see it so great.  It is down the hill from the front door and i don't go down there very often. My same plants dear the house do not look this good.

Thursday afternoon we were getting some cloud action but we didn't get any rain from any of it.  I may have rained early the next morning.

My monarda.  bee balm, is starting to bloom. It will be more flashy when the buds open up more. I had a red bee balm growing next to these and I don't see them there. 

 The begonia is a carry over from a couple of summers ago. I need to do some serious cutting back to make it look fresher.

I made the weekly visit to get groceries this morning. I went in early and missed some of the crowd. I didn't feel rushed as the smaller crowd seemed less stressed.  I hope every one is doing well.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I love the geranium, bee balm and begonia. I remember how the hummers love the bee balm. We are picking a few cucumbers and zuchinni now.
