Monday, June 8, 2020

Humid, mucky Monday......

The design has been figured out but the work is not finished. The lawn mowing keeps me busy and I didn't have the supplies that I needed too use. If the yard work gets done I can maybe work in the shade sometime today. It is going to be another hot day.

The William Baffin rose is doing well on my hill. The former owner had driven unto the ground the fence post. He had a wire on it to keep the mature asparagus from leaning out onto the grass. I am going to need a spade and some patience to get the four post out of there.

I am trying to not overload my blog with flowers but  I have taken a lot of shots of the blooms. The iris are all gone now so it will be roses and cone flowers. I have to work hard to find not flower stuff. I am moving dirt today and that could be photo. I have four bags of dirt that I am added to the newer raised bed to bring up the dirt level.

We have doctor visits for our friend everyday this week.  I try to schedule the yard mowing at both places around that.

The yellow rose of Texas always  comes to m ind when I see the bush. I haven never grown a  yellow one and this one is so successful. I have sprayed all of the roses hoping to stop the insects.

We were up early today and I should start working outside soon.  It does get so hot out there. I hear a mower working right now which is probably my neighbor to the southeast.

I went out to get one last moon shot last night and I think that it is out of our sight now.  It was on the east horizon the night before so I am betting it doesn't show up anymore

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. If one of your neighbors has a 4 wheel drive, they may have a "Hi-lifter" jack, that alone with a short piece of strong chain will pull those posts out with ease, no digging required. I have pulled many of these with my jack and it is easy work. No strain or pain.

  2. Your yellow roses are lovely. Hot and humid here too, sorry you have to go out everyday. Hope you find something to do while waiting for your friend. :)

  3. God bless you both and your friend as you take her to her appointments. It is very hot and humid here too. We are due to have rain later today. I enjoy your pretty blooms. The yellow rose is really special. We inherited one at a former house and it would bloom until Thanksgiving every year.

  4. Love bricks for paving.
    As contrast our Monday was like a blow dryer. Hot and windy.
    Have a good week.

  5. Thankfully, we do not have hot or humid weather right now but we do have a lot of windy days. You are doing such a good deed by continuing to help your neigh or.
