Sunday, June 7, 2020

No Title Today...

The first blooms of the knock outs are looking great. I have had time to pull weeds and keep down some of the volunteer things that are not suppose to be there. My hosta in the foreground are growing well among the couple of rocks.

The new plantings next to the red twig are looking good again this morning. I took this beginning photo and will take another in a few weeks when they fill in the area. I couldn't remember what I had planted last year but I then found a tag saying it was all pink flowers.

The camera case strap tends to get into my ;photos too often.  I couldn't crop it out this time so I made it into an abstract composition.

I need to get out my tripod as I am tending to not hold my camera as steady as I use to.  This is the second year for this rose and it is covered with buds and blooms.

The knock out rose really is not as impressive as the yellow one on the opposite side of the stairs. I think I may move this into another spot and buy another rose that is taller.

My report on the swimming pool is here again.  I took the shot and realized the next door neighbor was laying in his recliner.  I cropped him out of there.  There were three of f our guys working on this yesterday plus two dogs and a lot of kids who were climbing the dirt piles .

It is Sunday and we will have a hot day again today.  Summer is really here with all the heat and humidity.

I wish you all to have a good day.


  1. I know many folks love a pool, but I'm glad I don't have one to upkeep. Your roses, both the red and yellow are doing great. I also love the hosta. It is very hot/humid here also. This is a week filled with dr. appts. for us. Will you and Della be taking your friend for her treatment again this week?

  2. Wow your knock out roses are beautiful! I like the yellow rose too! Will you jump the fence and use the pool? :)

  3. We had Knock-Out roses and then they had to be cut down and burned because of the blight. Are they free from blight now, or you have just been lucky so far ?
    Beautiful and the yellow rose also.
