Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Middle of the Week.....

My little bunny was out in the raised bed this morning.  He was eating on an onion top.

We went to the nursery this morning to buy us an anniversary rose. I saw a batch of these noss rose plants to buy..

The nursery had purchase some plants for their business but not the large amount that they normally order. Things did not work out well for them as in the past two weeks they sold out of many things. I couldn't fine the things that I normally buy.

We wanted to buy a Peace rose for our anniversary.  They didn't have any but we did find this one.  It doesn't have a special name but it does have a rose scent. I went to see the label and it is called"OSO Easy Italian Ice." I hope it survives our winter weather.

I am going to move a Knock Out rose and put this into its place.  The Knock Out will be moved over onto the land where the voles  destroyed the flower bed.

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. This is a very pretty rose. A wonderful gift for your anniversary. That little bunny is cute. Our favorite garden center/nursery here are low on inventory too. It's not been a good year for anyone!

  2. What a lovely rose sure hope it does well for you! :)
