Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Thirty Six Years Today.....

The roses seem redder this year and they look like they will last in the vase for a week anyway. It is hard to believe all that goes on in 36 years of marriage but we are ready to have some more years.

We were not able to do anything special but will will order out a good meal at our Italian place. We are fifteen minutes away so it is almost like eating out. Prime rib and chicken parmesean is on the menu.

The hardy geraniums are standing up good during our heat spells.  I need toget some water on them to  make them grow better.

My yucca at the old place is going to bloom but these two have a few years to wait. I still think it is funny that I planted each of these in two different years. I didn't know the one was there as it had died down for a year.

I wanted zinnias and this is all I can fined  I will plant them and hope that I can get to the store soon. I bought these at the grocery store.

I am having problems with my right hand so I have to cut back on things for now.  I see that my spelling is better today so I am getting better.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Congratulations Larry and Mrs. Larry on thirty six years of married life, you make a wonderful couple !
    Zinnia's are such a colorful and hardy flower, if I could keep "my" deer at bay, I would plant a field full :)
    Enjoy your anniversary dinner.

  2. Happy Anniversary to you two! I hope you enjoy your Italian restaurant dinner. I hope your hand will get better soon.

  3. Happy Anniversary! The roses are beautiful!

  4. Happy Anniversary!! :) Hope you had a wonderful day!
