Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Middle (Wednesday) of the Week....

The rains from the hurricane are here.  We are getting heavy downpours off and on through out the day.  We are a little cooler temperature wise which helps with the humidity being lower.  Our trips the rest of the week to the hospital will be all in the afternoon for our friend.  I am recouping from working too much on Monday. My body reacted to all that I had done physically that day. I don't like old age.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Sorry you are suffering from the hard work on Monday. Praying your trip to the hospital in the rain will be a safe one. Your flower beds are very nice. The hostas are at their prime right now!

  2. The horrid humidity is hard on us old folks. take care Larry. Hi to Della:)

  3. We had a beautiful day, today...humidity was way down...and a lot cooler.

    Old age is not for sissies...I cannot believe the little things that make me sore.
