Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thursday's Things.....

The birch across the street is a beautiful tree. I think it is a clump birch which does give it a different shape than a stright birch tree. Once in a while I get branches from it in the yard which reminds be of the good old days at the old place.

The sun is highlighting the back of the peony making have an unusual look.The front of the flower is on the dark side.

As the yellow bloom matures it turns softer and lighter in color. The bud in the backgrounds shows the original colors of the blooms.

It sure has a lot of buds on it for future blooms.

The blur photo of the old fashion bloom is from the wile rose that grows around the old place.I will get a focused shot of this as time goes on as it has a lot of buds on it too.

The "hens and chickens" were pm in a give away sale. One or two of the plants in each one were dead so they sold the whole pack for a dollar. I need to find a creative place to grow them and so they will winter over..

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That tree is lovely and provides shade for their porch. I love the peony and the roses. Those yellow roses are just beautiful. You got a good deal on the hen and chicks. At one house, we grew some on top of a large rock with just a tiny amount of dirt. All the kids in the neighborhood liked to come by and see them.

  2. I love that has a beautiful shape. The pink peony is such a gorgeous color...and I always think the yellow rose is my favorite color. But then when I see the red ones I am not sure.

  3. I an sure you have some old container for the hens and chicks, some people use old shoes. Then put them in the ground for the winter:)
