Monday, June 22, 2020

Monday's Moments.....

My second tomato plant has blooms. The weather right now should make the tomato plants grow quickly.  We have the warmth and the rains now to bring them up and out. I have a lot of plants and it will be interesting which ones will put on the tomatoes.

Growing hosta plants is a good thing when you want low upkeep and a big splash of color.  I see I could pull some leaves out of this one but it isn't a big deal.

I have been struggling with getting a good shot of this rose. This morning it was hazy and dull from the rain.  It was perfect lighting for the color of flower.

The new petunia has started off great with the new soil.  It has sprouted out lots of leaves already.  It is the Wave product.

I planted my zinnias a few days ago and I noticed this morning that I can see a row of them coming up.  I  planted them in a dry soil and watered them in well.  Now the gentle rains are making things grow.

I described my experience with the knock out rose of it being sold in a bucket of wood bark. When I pulled it up and moved it to a different location I put in a lot of good new dirt around it.  The Proven Winners rose that I replaced there was a different experience. The rose was sold in a bucket full of soil. It was all solid dirt and it will grow well without any problem. This one will compete with the yellow rose on the other side of the stairs.

We on a errand getting our friend to her doctor's visit and chemo.  She has a week off now and I hope that she can get some healing time.  The treatments are so hard on the body as they fight off the disease.

I needed to do some more mowing today but it rained.  If I can get a little dry spell I can get a little of it mowed.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. I hope you will have a lot of tomatoes! I enjoy seeing your roses and the petunias. Zinnias make such good cut flowers. Don't over-do mowing the lawn when it does dry out. Hope you are feeling better.

  2. That Coral rose is just stunning! Everything looks good in your yard!
