Sunday, June 21, 2020

Father's Day.......

My Father's Day gift from my wife is this portrait of Ella. She was creating it in secret for a few days and then I saw it. She  is so good with the pastels.  It is such a grand present.  We will get it mated and framed soon.

We went out to have coffee in the sun room and saw this. We both went back in for our cameras. It is a small rain cloud.

A strip of white blooms next to the house. I really like all the regal lily blooms doing sow well. I move them here at the new place a couple of years ago and it will keep putting larger numbers out each new year.

Now you can see the blooms but they are gone now.
Now they are eaten off by the bunnies. It could have been the larger one but the little one can jump up those two stems to  have breakfast. I was in shock.  I will put them up on a table now or at the top of the stairs.  I still like the bunnies and I won't grab a gun like my neighbor does.

I keep learning new things after all these years of gardening.  I planted this knock out rose late fall as it was on a great sale.  I slipped it out of the pot and put fresh soil around it.  It lived through the winter.  I noticed it was wimpy.  I dug it up yesterday to move it to another location and discovered it was started in bark and no soil. I was able to shake all the wood product out of it and then replaced good potting soil in a new hole. I can't believe that it was able to root in the shredded wood. I will be anxious to see how it will grow in real soil.

I have a yellow cake with chocolate frosting for Father's Day.  I may get a coupe of pieces of it today.  I have steak to grill this afternoon.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Happy Father's Day Larry! That is a beautiful portrait of Ella! Have cake and Ice Cream! :)

  2. Della's portrait of Ella is wonderful! What a special gift. Your cake looks very tasty too and steak on the grill will be special. That's amazing about the rose growing in bark! You two enjoy this special day.

  3. Happy Father's Day to you, Larry, and what a wonderful and creative gift from your wife. Enjoy that chocolate cake and have a second piece cause its your day.

  4. What a most wonderful gift from your wife ! And she did a remarkable job of it too !

    Happy Fathers' day to you !

  5. Oh, my, your wife is talented. What a wonderful gift!
