Saturday, June 6, 2020

Saturday is Started.....

Time to do heaving lifting again. I put on my mask and bought all of this from my list. Then I went out and loaded the truck. I kept moving the truck to get me closer to the different items.  More soil for the raised beds that I made last year. More limestone findings for the last of the paver work and rocks to fill in under the potting bench.

I was going to bed when I saw on the net that the strawberry moon was out.  The moon has moved in its cycle, as it it far lower and to the east in the sky. It was clear enough to get the shot down the street, but I could not conjure up any sight of strawberry colors on the moon.

I planted hardy geraniums in the front memorial garden. The flowers were a few varieties as the grocery greenhouse had limited everything.  I made my decisions on colors as to what was available. A different new color of red with a pink variety next to it. That is going to work.

I had to repot the purple oxalis as it was potted in a mixture that didn't hold moister. I found a pot double its size of pot and it is done.

I mentioned these plants earlier.  I put them out on the sunroom chair to keep them from overheating in the garage.

When I planted them this morning I found our soil to be really dry and hard to dig.  I guess our rains were not in large enough amounts.

It is Saturday and I have already unloaded the truck and took everything down the hill. I am going to rest for awhile before I decide to tackle some job using the dirt or pea gravel.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That is a lot of heavy lifting and moving. The geraniums are very pretty. I also like the oxalis. I have a childhood friend sho sent me a picture of her Christmas cactus plants; they are all in bloom right now! Your yard and flower beds are so very nice. Don't work too hard in the heat.
