Thursday, July 9, 2020

Light Sprinkle......

I went out to take photos during a sprinkle Our section of the state has been declared in a drought zone. I knew we were extremely dry but the circle of severity is around us and Des Moines.

I actually first went outside and transplanted zinnia into scattered proper rows. Since I planted them late I have to keep on them to get them growing in good rows.  I transplanted because it was lite rain and though that would help our the little starts. While digging I found the top had a light amount of moisture but the soil below is powder dry. I soaked every thing with a watering can after I was done.  I will water again in the morining.

I did errands all morning and did not get any blogging done. Blogging for me is hard in the afternoon as all my typing skills, fingers, tend to shut down.

 I found some sugar to add to water for orioles. I just thought it would work and my wife has seen it being busy with the sugar water.  The main ingredient is of course sugar. You can all yell at me for using coloring in the water but it is all that I have.

I do have natural plants for the humming birds and I have seen them at these this afternoon. We will cool down tonight and warm up again tomorrow. We are predicted to have severe storms on Saturday.


  1. Your flowers are pretty - love these coneflowers. We are dry too. It thundered this afternoon but never rained. I do hope you won't have severe weather over the weekend.

  2. I take one cup of sugar and four cups of water and bring it to a hard boil for a few minutes...then cool it and I put it in water bottles and keep it in the fridge for the Hummers:)

  3. Wish we could send some of the rain that's supposed to come later today your way, Larry. We have been getting a fair amount the past couple of weeks, but there's still a lot of yellow grass seen from our apt windows. Blogging is better for me in the am hours as well.
