Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Tea Time......

It is time to have a glass of tea when it feels like 100 degrees outside. It is nice to have cold tea as it feels like it belongs with our summer meals.

Monarda, bee balm, is doing great during the hot summer.  I think the magenta bee balm is crowding out the red ones. I may have to make a rescue and plant the red somewhere else. I don't see honey bees on the flowers but I see bumble bees.

The moss rose plugs along as it recover from the bunnies eating it off down to the base. I posted this set of blooms earlier on facebook and I got so many comments from my old friends how their moms grew it as border flowers in the flower gardens.

This lily is getting watered regularly. The sun sucks the red color out of them by late afternoon.  They then look like maroon or brown flowers.

Thanks for stopping by today. Stay cool the best that you can. Our weather people say we will feel like 100 degree even if the thermometer doesn't say it.


  1. Nothing better than iced tea in the summer! I love your bee balm. Sure wish I could find some to plant at this house. Your moss rose and lilies are gorgeous too. We had an all day rain yesterday but it is sunny and hot again today.

  2. Love a large, cold glass of sweetened ice tea in the heat of summer.
    Your flowers are looking happy, your a good flower nurterer 😁
    Stay well Larry !

  3. My husband makes sun tea also! Anything to stay cool, we had a storm and now it is cooler here...we are thankful for the rain and the cooler weather:) I love Monarda...I have one plant that may bloom soon:)
