Friday, July 3, 2020

The 3rd of July.....

I was scrambling in my brain as to what I called these flowers. I do remember now that they are Asiatic lilies.  It is not a tiger lily but is sure has spots. This is another one of those blooms that surprised yesterday.

 I watered the flowers in the front yard this morning and I am sure they were in shock to get water.  I uually water them off and on in the month of June but this was a different June. I even trimmed out sage so some ot the flowers had room to spread out.  I remember put the yellow cone flower there but I can see it isn't very well established. You can see regular colored cone flower in the back ground and I see that they are spreading in the area.
I had planted these onions late so they really didn[t mature well. So when I yanked them out of the ground late fall I had small onions in a sack.  There were three of them that I missed and they wintered over and two of them now look like this.

I put my inside started tomatoes late also but they are looking better. I saved grass and for the second time put on a lot of much. I also got the posts in for them. I feel better that I got all the water weed covered up now. I feel like I have control of the situation. I had a spell of vertigo four weeks ago and I am getting back to somewhat normal functioning. I am also getting my stamina back a little each day.

I kept the volunteer tomato in the corner.  Who knows what kind it is but it may be a variety that I didn't buy this year. I also have a bed of three more in the other raised bed. They were volunteer and they are getting really large. They will be sort of squeezing up to the zinnias.

 This is a Friday morning sunrise. It is continually hot and humid. I worked outside and came in an hour before noon. Me neighbors in three back yards are already starting to celebrate early for the fourth. 
The first pool party has begun and grill is cooking up something. The one guy up the way has all these strings of triangle flags strung up and down his back yard.  We won't be doing that but maybe we could eat our steak out in the sun room tomorrow.  I hope every one is doing well. I hope my India blogger friend is getting bette.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Such a pretty sunrise. I love your coneflowers and the Asiatic lily. I wish you both a wonderful day. Enjoy those steaks!

  2. Love your yellow flowers! So cheerful!

  3. Seeing this made me remember that I took my moon shots on the 4th...I was listening to the fireworks and texting my granddaughter and she called and I stopped trying to get a better shot with the moon.

    You sure have some pretty flowers
