Saturday, July 4, 2020

The Fourth of July......

Full moons can light up the whole neighborhood when it is a cloudless sky. I think it lacks one more day to be totally full. It is hanging low in the southeast in the early evening.

As I trim back on my sage plants there are always a few things that I didn't intend to trim. The two cone flowers and coral bells were my new mother nature bouquet. I get carried away with the trimmer and bring in a lot of flowers when I use it.

The knock out roses need to have the dead flowers removed to encourage new blooms. I got the first one done and I had to take a rest. I got a little scratched up by doing the job.  I went in for a rest after doing this one but then did return to get the other two trimmed back.

The trimming does makes it all look better. I also trimmed out unwanted tree.  This kid of thing does get me in the lower back but it does go away.
I now have mums to cut back very soon. They seem early but the fourth is the time that I usually do it.  I water everything here yesterday and I know it will help everything.
Out the front door one can see the green grass. It almost looks like I need to cut it again but I won't. Our memorial garden is doing good and now that I am watering the geraniums maybe they will fill in more.
No plans for today other than eating.  Hot dogs are for lunch and steak is for supper.  I hope everyone has a good day. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Your grass and flowers look nice. That's a pretty arrangement in the vase. Wow, such a nice pic of the moon. I was out about 4 a.m. and saw the moon. It was gorgeous. Enjoy your steaks and hot dogs.

  2. The moon was very bright last night. Great capture! Our cat would not come in after dark because he can "see" better with that bright moonlight. Very irritating trying to wait up for him.

  3. Happy 4th! Yards are lots of work! Yours is looking good:)

  4. Happy belated 4th, Larry. Hope that you enjoyed the hot dogs and steak after the gardening work. Your green lawn looks great as many are yellowed here from lack of rain. Temps getting near 90 here the next few days. Stay cool😎
