Thursday, September 10, 2020

Basement Wonders....

 It is time to clear the workbench. Here I am blogging instead of doing that.  Nothing gets put back where it belongs when you work on many different things. 


 Yes it is a jar of buttons added to my workbench area. Our friend who loves to work with buttons had this jar of dark buttons in her closet. She finished a bunch of Christmas tree banners and one large garden banner. When we cleared out her apartment I would not think of throwing them away.  She will remain hospitalized until they decide to send her to a nursing home. Cancer is a horrid thing.


The shelves on the wall have blank spaces.I wonder what I had done with the ones not there now.  They were probably pots and they were returned to the shelves on the right. The long stick that is painted in stripes was a gift to me by a young girl, years ago.  She found sticks in her yard and then painted on them. My stick has a head of an animal on it.  It reminds me of a staff of Ra. She was so proud of that stick and I admired her for her innocent creativity.


 I don't remember where I got the wooden egg crate. It is very old. The lid has gate latches on it that hook into eye hooks. It reminds me of a place in Murray, Iowa where in the evening you could see a woman candle checking the eggs that she had bought, looking for any bad eggs. That place burned down with four mor business back in 1968. It was called the Big Fire of Murray. Only one building was ever built to replace everything and it was a cement block building that sells insurance. 


 My desk area in the basement shows my artwork and things given to me as gifts.  The one card in a frame I will have to go back and snap a picture of it.  It is an illustration of an early Mickey Mouse  swatting flies. A teacher friend, Rena, gave it to me years ago when she went to Disney World. 


As the weather drives me inside, I will stop taking photos of flowers and tomatoes. I have lots to blog about but I have been taking the easy way out with the outside photos.The lego creation is mine that I made while playing with my grandson. It has been two years since it was made and I like the building that I made. I played with my cousin Karen's white blocks like this when I was a kid and the really are a neat creative toy. 

It is Thursday and it is late afternoon. I haven't turned on lights but we really could do so. Gray and wet and cold are the key words for the day. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. All your "stuff" makes for interesting photos! Buttons! Yeah for saving them:) Cold here too warmer tomorrow maybe.

  2. My heart hurts for your friend with cancer. I am glad you brought her button jars home with you. I like seeing your different collectibles. Larry's little boy enjoys Legos, too.
