Friday, September 11, 2020



Another basement shot of the art gallery we have down there.  There is a walk out sliding glass door which makes it not to feel like a basement.  Pictures are moved around and sometimes end up on the walls upstairs. 

My wife''s dolls live int the basement bedroom. I see a nutcracker hiding in the back that hasn't been put away. That room has a large double window in it the keeps it from feeling like a basement. 

This is the view outside the downstairs bedroom window on a rainy day. I first thought this photo was blurry but it is the effect of water streaming down the glass. The new fence is getting its first soaking rains  in its new life. 


 The plants that I have brought in because of the cold. They sit right inside the sliding glass door. I maybe can send them back outside when it gets back into the 70s. 

The rain is continuing and it will end on Saturday. We will warm up and we can go back to normal weather. I am hoping we might see some sunshine at the end of this day. I need to do yard work up at the old place but the temps and water is keeping me home. 

I hope things are going well with you.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Yours and Della's art gallery is lovely! How nice to have the light coming into the room. I also enjoy seeing her doll collection. No rain here and it is still quite warm. Thankfully I have a dependable man to cut the lawn now and to help with other yard chores. I wish you both a nice weekend.

  2. That is quite the lovely art gallery in your basement, Larry. I wondered if the paintings are rotated if and when any of them are sold. The dolls are lovely too.
