Saturday, September 26, 2020

Saturday Stuff.....

 It was very hazy again this morning. The camera doesn't quite pick up the special effects that was being created from the smoke and heavy humidity. 

I think I will stop taking these photos but there is a chance that I could get one outstanding shot.  I was looking at the past months pictures and they do all loo the same. I keep jiggleing the camera so I got a slice off of the top. 

The view from the balcony shows the cottage garden. The area on the right is getting a new batch of mulch making it weedless. The late planting of the zinnias still put out a fantastic show.I still don't have a weather vane on my cupola. The grass seems to stay green  even without rain. I hope we have a late frost.

The wave petunia is coming back after the hurricane sent it across the yard dumping the soil out of the pot. It is a warm humid day but I did get the back yard grass mowed. It is a quiet Saturday. Our oldest son called and we talked grass edgers and we got the run down on how our grand children are doing.


  1. I feel the same way about Eagle pictures: They all look the same! Yet I continue to take them when the Eagles show up in the late Fall/Early Winter. I do enjoy the Moon shots though. Mostly because of the quality of the focus! You can see the craters! Pleasant weather here in Wellman lately. Hope it stays for a while.

  2. I know it was a joy to talk with your son and hear the latest on the grandchildren.
    That petunia is so lovely. I like the moon shot. It was muggy and warm here today after many days of cooler weather.

  3. We all have similar feeling about photos we take of the same subject, always hoping for a better shot, so you are not alone Larry. Your moon shot is better than any I could get with the limited zoom on my digital camera. Hope all the grandchildren are doing well, especially if your oldest grandson is back attending classes
