Sunday, September 27, 2020


Yes it was this gray this morning.  By ten o'clock it was light raining.  It looks like we will have sprinkles for most of the day. 

I had spread this seed months ago but the weather just was right for it. Now you can see the lettuce growing and some volunteer moss rose. 

The yellow rose has returned with blooms again. It will be glad for the rain even though I have regularly watered it with the hose. A simple light rain makes the roses happy. 

It is a slow rain and a quiet day. It was so windy yesterday so a quiet day is welcomed.  I am glad the mowing was done in back so the moisture can settle in better to my clay filled yard.  I wish you all a good rest of the day. Thanks for checking in today.......

1 comment:

  1. we could surely use some of that rain here in NH, Larry, so could you please send our way next week, please. Glad the lettuce is growing and the flower is lovely.
