Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Cold and Melting Snow.....

 It has warmed up a bit but you can see the snow on the backside of the house has not melted. The sun doesn't hit the deck all day. 

It looks like a spring day but the snow on the ground proves that to be wrong. The flowers are dead now so the first warmer day means I can go out and start clearing it off the ground. 


I ordered a trellis and it came in a box. I knew it would probably be in slats but it still is a shock when the bring it to the door. I mustered up some energy to start to assemble it two days ago.

I started on it but lost the energy to finish it. The vertical slats have to slid from top to bottom and it became more difficult as they go through the horizontal rails. 


I am adjusting to a lot of medications and my body feels worse than when I was eating cookies and other sweets. I am assuming that I will level off and feel normal again. I will be better.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I pray your body will adjust to the meds soon. God bless you. Things that have to be put together are never as easy as they look. Best wishes with the trellis. Pretty cardinal.

  2. Hope you adjust to your meds soon. Maybe a few days off is what you need! :)

  3. I hope you feel more like yourself soon. And wish you luck in getting that trellis together. Is it made of wood?

    I got a clothes drying rack that was not would not believe how hard it was to get together. I had wanted wood, but Walmart did not have one. Then Roger fell and tore the one up beyond repair. But at least he was not hurt.
