Monday, October 26, 2020

Snow Day....

 Back to winter again. The snow came late evening and it was not a lot. I didn't have to scoop the whole side walk but I did clear a spot under the trees. I could see a person with their dog had already walked through the area. I am having a weary day today so I will be taking it easy. I guess that when you are retired you can declare a sick day whenever you want. My neighbor's drive way does look like it has ice on it.


  1. We got snow today too. Way too early but we did need the moisture. Take care!

  2. I pray you feel better soon. I love the Cardinal in your header photo.

  3. I don't believe you guys are tting snow!

  4. you guys got more than we did... Most of ours is gone already. some still lingers in the shadow of the building. Supposed to be cold tomorrow.
