Thursday, October 22, 2020

Duo Feeding.....

 I enjoy the sparrows and I am glad they are liking my feeding them. They do make a mess with seed flying everywhere. Fortunately we a a few hard downpour rains through the night and the deck is all cleared.  I did see a female cardinal a couple of days ago but she didn't like all the hustle bustle of the sparrows.

My zinnias are all spread down on the ground. I will wait awhile to see how fast they will die back. I then will cut them off and send them away. 

We spent the afternoon yesterday getting final instructions on my future life. I am now wearing a device plugged into my arm to help them to analysis my progress. The nurse is specialize in the field so I can call for info from her. The meds that I am taking right now don't make me feel good but it will get better. The doctor has rescued me from this diabetics.  I won['t write much more about this now but I am on a new journey for the last years of my life. The food thing will become natural as time goes on.  The doctor was telling me in front of the diabetic nurse that I could eat a Hershey candy bar instead of eating a meal but it would not be good food.  I would be safe but It would just want to do that every day.  

We are having a very dull day with rain in the morning and no sun in sight.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I enjoy watching the birds eat too. I have suet out in the woods. The woodpeckers really enjoy visiting, I am thankful you have a good dr, and nurse and Della to help you with the new diet,

  2. I am sure your new diet is an adventure. Hope it all goes well for you. That is a really cute photo of Ella on your side bar:)
