Friday, October 23, 2020

Fridgid Air......


 My view up the way shows the colore of two smaller trees.  The brightest on is the newest one. It is a nice addition to the whole backyard neighbor hood.

My addition to the neighborhood view is this redbud tree. It does turn color in the fall and the leaves are already dropping. The bush survived me mowing it off for some crazy reason last year. It is a spirea. 

I was out to take this picture this morning and it was cold.  I saw that I have to return this afternoon and dig my glads. I will have to wear stocking hat and winter coat. We will have a good freeze this evening of 26 degrees F.  I will do a rush job and bring them in and take them out on a warmer day to clean them off. 

I did get my hardy geraniums back into soil.  Two of them have buds on them them from being outside.  It will be neat to see them bloom during a snowstorm. 

I have new photos of the gran dkids on the side of my two blogs. They have grown up so fast. Thanks fro stopping by today.


  1. Your grandchildren are precious, I enjoyed seeing their new photos,
    Red bud trees are one of my favorites. Stay safe and warm this weekend,

  2. I like Teddy's outfit! You have good Fall color:)

  3. I love those trees in your first view. Your grandchildren are adorable...
