Sunday, October 11, 2020

Fall Colors......

 The morning clouds were puffy but now they are all gone. We have a clear sky and it is warming up today.

The changes are coming in the backyard. The tree is actually in my neighbors yard kitty corner. 

The neighbors beside me have a maple changing and his neighbor beyond him has two other colored trees. 

This fall weather allows the morning glories to bloom all day. I want to tear out the tomato plants but they are supporting the glories. On hard freeze and I can clear it all.

The hibicus is putting at a few last late blooms.  This was a small flower compared to its normal size. 

Have a good day today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Love seeing your changing Fall colors Larry, slowly turning :)
    Thank you for sharing !

  2. Your colors are very slow, Larry, compared to cooler areas here in New England which is famous for fall foliage season.

  3. Thoses trees are coloring nicely! Stay safe Larry! Hi to Della!

  4. The hibiscus is so pretty. Just a hint of fall color here. Mildred
