Monday, October 12, 2020

First Day of the Week......

 The dinner plate hibiscus continues to bloom in its second season. I had watered them a little to get them ready for winter and they instead bloomed again.

It is planted on the northeast side of the house so it thinks it is spring again. It actually has many more buds that could bloom into the first frost.

The mums in the front yard are looking better. They were too dry and I had to keep watering to get them to bloom.

My wife joined me in the backyard today and we picked a few more of these things.  I trim back on the tomato vines each day and sack them in sacks. I will eventually get them all trimmed away. The glories will have to be trimmed down also. 

The phlox is blooming very late this summer/fall. The drought messed with their timing and one rain turned them around. The lighting was almost too harsh to make the picture work.  

It has been a good Monday.  I hope all is well with you.  Thanks for coming by today.


  1. Happy you both had a good day. The flowers look so nice and the tomatoes will be delicious, Mildred

  2. Amazing what some water will were rewarded nicely with blooms! Stay safe!

  3. The size of those hibiscus is amazing. Your other blooms are nice as well and those tomatoes will be great to eat. Have a wonderful week ~ FlowerLady

  4. Those mums are a beautiful color.
