Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Memories on Wednesday

 I discovered old photos on my cell phone. On a day of our tour in Israel my battery died on the camera and I had to us the iPhone. This is the far north end of the Sea of Galilee. The Jordan River flows into this body of water. It has been a year since we visited Israel. We had fish and chips at cafe there. You can see the land on the other side of the lake.


Later that evening we boarded a boat to sail the Galilee. As the land lays the sun is setting and if one traveled  further west one would run into the Mediterranean Sea.I kept trying to get shots of the moom and I see in this photo that I did.

I was glad to find the photos on my phone.  I will share them a few at at a time. Thanks for stopping by today. Thanks for stopping by.

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