Thursday, October 15, 2020

Thursday's Things.....

 Wednesday evening as the sun was setting. The rays of ilight were filtering through the clouds in all directions.  The tree is the neighbors birch tree. 


The table in the basement is the ripening table for the tomatoes. I was storing them on the patio table and then bringing them in. It is getting too cold now for that step so they get to come in immediately. 

The cold weather has taken some of these vines down but this one is a little more protected under the sun room floor. 

The tomato vines are almost cleared but the marigold will be cleared once we get a hard frost. I will need to dig up the soil this year to get it ready for next year. Who knows if I will plant any tomatoes next year.  I guess three or four tomatoes would be better than a dozen of them in the plot.

Thanks for checking in today. I hope to see you here tomorrow.


  1. Incredible clouds !
    I love seeing your Morning Glory flowers they are the Grandpa Ott if I'm correct ?
    Frost tomorrow night for us, I'm trying to cover all the mums but it's futile :)

  2. Very beautiful pic of the sun and clouds. I wish you two a nice weekend,

  3. Those Morning Glories are awesome...that must be a Nasturtium off to the side:)
